

I’ve searched all my life for Spirit, Love, and for where I Belong.  For many years, I looked in places which revealed who I was not, though I tried very hard to fit in and belong.  Then, I went within, found what I had been searching for. Only then could I begin expressing it outwardly.


I was born in confusion and chaos in the Fall of the early 1950’s.  My father insisted I was born on the stroke of Midnight, my birth certificate stating a few minutes after midnight.

I was born with past wounds, and accumulated many more as I grew up, as many of us do.

In the winter of 1987, I found myself in a deep Spiritual crisis.  I was a mother of four young children and I was in my closet with a gun, intending to end my life. I was in deep inner conflict and feeling my family would be better off without me because of the debilitating the emotional pain I was experiencing.  Grace saved me, but I was angry at God for several years. Along the way, I learned how loving this Divine Universe is, and how sweet Grace is.

In 1988 I developed cancer, a second wake up call to make changes and heal.  I had a choice. Heal or continue a toxic unhealthy course and probably die and both my parents had, one in 1983 and the other a year later in 1984. This crisis was my first insight of mindbodyspirit connection.

I chose to heal, without a clue what this would involve, thus, beginning a long, arduous journey of becoming aware, taking responsibility, shedding, healing, maturing, which required tons of courage, patience, and perseverance. This life has been a lifetime of healing.

This has been a lifetime of transformation, finding my voice which resides within my heart.

I had searched outwardly in others, in religions and spiritual paths for truth and authority, but I found the Divine within me and all around me.  I developed a beautiful direct relationship with the Divine Universe.

I am a mother, grandmother, friend, sister, lover, healer, companion and cohort.

I am a wanderer, a free spirit, a woman of Spirit.

I belong nowhere and everywhere.

The Natural World and my Inner World are my teachers and inspiration.

I am Susan, an ordinary contemplative woman.

I am a student of Life.

I am a lover of simplicity, beauty, the Natural World, honesty, harmony, health and Life.

Authentic, honest, creative, kind and loving people are my close companions.

Every day of life is a gift, full of wonder, magic, Grace, and inspiration.  

I’m grateful I chose to heal for on the other side is joy and passion.

My intention for this webpage is that it be a place to express my voice, my soul, my journey, my life, through creativity, photographs, poetry, essays, and whatever other ways come through my heart and soul.

My intention is to have FUN, allow my heart to be open and be authentic. My hope is that in my doing this others may be inspired and join me in the magic and fun.